With Health Care Reform, Will Doctors Start to Turn Patients Away?

The original concept was that the nationalized health care plan being proposed by President Obama would lower the amount of visits made to hospital emergency rooms each day given that those who seek emergency room care for routine health care issues would now have the medical insurance coverage that they require to schedule regular doctor visits.  Taking a look at the bigger picture however, uncovers a scary concept and the new health care plan might actually cause an increase in the amount of non-emergency, emergency room visits each day.
A closer look at the current health care structure actually shows that those individuals without medical insurance, throughout the United States, in fact take advantage of the emergency room less frequently than those patients who are presently on Medicare and Medicaid, and the leading basis is that Medicare and Medicaid pay very little to providers for the care that the dispense to these patients and as a result doctor’s are more apt to turn them away at the office.  This leaves them with no alternative but to head to the ER in search of standard care. 
Under the proposed plan a lot of of individuals who are living devoid of insurance would be covered under Medicaid or some subdivision of this branch of the health care system and because of this they would also be discriminated against when trying to visit a health care professional in his/her office.  This will inevitably increase the number of individuals being attended to in the nation’s emergency rooms. 
A closer look at the proposal provides more reason for concern as it gives no approach to raise the number of providers, while it vastly promises to increase the number of patients in the system.  This will lead to doctor’s offices being too booked and turning away patients that require care and these individuals will need to also turn to the Hospital doctors as their chief treatment physicians.
Overall, although the health care reform does cause a few to hope, there are definitely a few shortcomings in the plan.  As medical doctors become over booked they will most likely become selective attempting to serve those patients with the top insurance plans first, and thus leaving the remainder left behind.  This gives rise to the question: Is there genuinely any hope for bettering the health care system in this country?